Thursday, September 16, 2004

A Load of Crap but Accurate

I have recently acquired a series of documents proving that Vice President Andrew Johnson was the center of a conspiracy which ended in the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.

Johnson planned to put Emperor Haile Sellassie of Ethiopa in the White House as President, with Confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest as Vice President. Only a lover's quarrel between the Lion of Judah and the hero of the Battle of the Crater foiled that part of the plan, leaving Johnson to fill in for Ras Tafari, who went on to found a popular religion in Jamaica. Forrest later established a Georgia based civil rights organization.

I obtained these documents from a member of Lincoln's Illinois State Militia unit. Lending them additional credibility, they are on 8" floppy diskettes, in the original Word Perfect format in which Johnson typed them, using a Kaypro luggable PC.

While the authenticity of these documents has been called into question by a partisan cabal of Martians and knapkin makers, Representative Dennis Kuchinich (D-OH) has not contradicted their accuracy in any way.

Rather than question the integrity of the sources, Vice President Johnson needs to address the charges themselves. To date he has not done so.


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